Our church hosts fundraisers to support charitable causes and the community.
RAISE 50K IN 50 For nearly 75 years our sanctuary has been a wonderful place where others have been able to feel close to God. This year, however, it became necessary to replace the roof on the sanctuary along with all of the other buildings on the church property. The total cost of this capital improvement is estimated to be $600,000. A generous member of the congregation, who wishes to remain anonymous, has offered to donate $50,000 to help pay for the new roof. The donor has challenged the congregation to raise $50,000 to match their donation. So, starting this Sunday and for the next 50 days, the church leadership has set aside 50 days to raise the $50,000 in matching funds. The slogan for this fundraiser is Raise 50k in 50. We will track our progress toward this goal on a thermometer, created by Bruce Arthur, which we will display in the Narthex of the church.